Stop by and see for yourself. They creat, build and repair anything that floats, races, wins boat shows to just flat out great craftsmanship, both old-school and hightech.
- Todd H.
My DN Iceboat was completely restored by S & R and they did an amazing job!
- Chris A.
Great people to work with. Super fast service.
- Carlos G.
John does a fantastic job. He is great to work with and will figure out tough repairs.
- James F.
Don't listen to Craig. John and the folks at S&R will keep your boat looking great and sailing fast!
- David A.
Stop by and see for yourself. They creat, build and repair anything that floats, races, wins boat shows to just flat out great craftsmanship, both old-school and hightech.
- Todd H.
My DN Iceboat was completely restored by S & R and they did an amazing job!
- Chris A.
Great people to work with. Super fast service.
- Carlos G.
John does a fantastic job. He is great to work with and will figure out tough repairs.
- James F.
Don't listen to Craig. John and the folks at S&R will keep your boat looking great and sailing fast!
- David A.
(262) 691-2230
Address: 501 Hickory Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072 United States
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